- 所屬行業:橡膠 合成橡膠 聚氨酯橡膠
- 供應廠家:武漢市江漢區永盛橡膠密封件銷售部
- 公司地址:湖北省武漢市江漢區湖北武漢市江漢區友誼路32號
- 公司網址:http://m.holaike.cn/gs-3490140.html
- 主營產品:梅花墊 密封件 彈性塊
13808600301 / 27-85854694
- 進入店鋪
武漢市永盛橡膠密封件有限公司成立于1997年,是一家專業從事生產及銷售各種橡膠密封產品綜合工貿公司。公司集研發、設計、加工、制造于一體,生產設備先進,產品技術應用于汽車、機械、電子、輕工、冶金等行業,廣泛用于機械、冶金、食品、包裝紡織、電子、汽車、家電、建材、軍工,工程機械等各行業的液壓傳動密封等,以滿足工業橡膠制品的生產需要。 各種國產及進口密封件: O型圈,Y 型圈、骨架油封,YX系列圈、防塵圈、組合墊圈、TC油封,格來圈、斯特封、GE1-3V型夾布圈、石墨填料、盤根、聚四氟乙烯油缸密封圈、導向系列及德國、日本原裝進口密封件,UHS、UND、DHS、UHP、DKB,MC支承環,聚氨酯梅花墊、六角墊等。 同時代理其他大型機械設備。 服務宗旨: 技術創新,服務用心
Established in 1997,YongSheng Seal-Pro as the professional manufacturer which specializing in all kinds seal and rubber products,which are widely used in the industry line covering the automobile ,mechanic, electronic, light industry, metallurgy and others. Insisting on as our direction idea “Quality first”, we consider Techniques, quality improvement as our task, we develop our all of our products in line with ISO9002 specifications to ensure their reliable quality and complete functions. As our products are extensively used throughout industry line, factories and institutions, we have been export nationwide sales network that reflects our products" market potential. It is our desire to continuously satisfy our consumers with creative technology and we sincerely hope to establish business relationships with customers throughout the world. With more than10 years experiences and excellent technique,we are trying to provide high quality product and service to all our customers, regarding quality improvement and market research as our first task. Now our product had extent to more than 20 countries and areas, including North America, Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East and etc. Additionally, we got a high reputation from our users and distributors. We welcome all our new and old friends and appreciate your kind comment.
歡迎來到武漢市江漢區永盛橡膠密封件銷售部網站, 具體地址是湖北省武漢市江漢區公司街道地址,老板是俞成主。
我公司產品遍布大江南北,深受廣大用戶的好評,同時也得到了上級各部門的肯定,國內同行業一流水平。公司主營:sKeys等!公司本著以客戶三個滿意為基本原則:“產品質量的滿意, 先進技術的滿意,售后服務的滿意 ”,不斷加強企業內部的綜合競爭力,公司在競爭中求發展,在挑戰中謀機遇,相信我公司會給您提供最好、最先進的產品,公司貫徹“產品出廠合格率百分之百、顧客滿意率百分之百”的質量方針相信我公司會為您提供最先進的技術和完善的售后服務。勤勞和真誠的我們愿與您攜手并進、共創輝煌!企業宗旨:精益求精,追求卓越,組一流隊伍,創豐碑工程,以科技為動力,以質量求生存 。公司始終堅持“創新,品質,服務,節約,敬業,感恩”12字理念。吸收新創意,嚴把質量關口,全方位的服務跟蹤,堅持做出高品質產品。本著“追求、員工、技術、精神、利益”10字宗旨。我們以質量為生命、時間為信譽、價格為競爭力的經營信念。