- 所屬行業:工程機械 礦山機械/破碎機 浮選機
- 供應廠家:廈門市程功礦業設備有限公司
- 公司地址:福建省廈門思明區廈門思明區湖濱東路2號華星大廈17樓K單元
- 公司網址:http://m.holaike.cn/gs-3854416.html
- 主營產品:實驗室單槽浮選機,實驗室浸出攪拌機,礦山球磨機,礦山破碎機,金礦選礦設備
13606934999 / 0592-5803782
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廈門市程功礦業設備有限公司是銷售為一體的技術公司,主要致力于金礦、金屬礦山、冶金、水泥、煤炭、環保、化工、公路、鐵路等行業成套裝備的技術研發和生產制造。產品涉及鏟運、給料、輸送、破碎、磨礦、篩分、磁選、重選、浮選,礦物提純、脫水等成套設備。公路、鐵路、建筑建設的石料廠,制砂廠成套設備等。 公司擁有一批勇于創新、精誠協作,由具備幾十年產品研發經驗的總設計師帶隊的研發隊伍,在為廣大客戶提供相關咨詢服務的同時,切實保證了產品在技術設計方面的改進和創新,以便最大限度地滿足客戶的個性化需求,適應選礦行業新型工藝的發展需要。經過近十年的努力,公司已成為礦物加工業的全面供應商,可為客戶提供礦物選廠工藝流程設計及全方位的礦物加工技術服務和礦產資源開發利用的全套裝備,產品已大量出口到吉爾吉斯坦、韓國、菲律賓、南非、西非、尼爾利亞、印度尼西亞、巴布亞新幾內亞、俄羅斯、越南、緬甸及東南亞等國家和地區,深受國內外客戶的歡迎。About companyXiamen Cheng Gong mining equipment co., LTD. Is the salesfor the integration of technology companies, mainly engaged in gold mine, metalmine, metallurgy, cement, coal, environmental protection, chemical industry,highway, railway, etc the technology research and development and production ofcomplete sets of equipment manufacturing. Products involving shovel, feeding,conveying, crushing, grinding, sieving, magnetic separation, gravityseparation, flotation, mineral purified, dehydration and other complete sets ofequipment. Shi Liaochang of the construction of the highway, railway, construction,system sand factory complete sets of equipment, etc. The company has a group of innovation and sincerecooperation, by the chief designer of decades of product development experienceled research and development team, in providing customers with relatedconsulting services at the same time, to ensure the product design improvementsin the technology and innovation, in order to meet the personalized needs ofcustomers to the maximum extent, to cater to the development of processingindustry of new technology. After nearly a decade of efforts, the company hasbecome a comprehensive su
歡迎來到廈門市程功礦業設備有限公司網站, 具體地址是福建省廈門思明區公司街道地址,老板是陳金榮。
單位注冊資金單位注冊資金人民幣 100 萬元 - 200 萬元。