- 所屬行業:小家電 家居小家電 凈水器
- 供應廠家:柯淇環境技術(寧波)有限公司
- 公司地址:浙江省寧波慈溪市孫塘北路1648號
- 公司網址:http://m.holaike.cn/gs-3950220.html
- 主營產品:凈水設備、飲水設備、水處理設備、過濾膜研發制造
13586647313 / 0574-63999575
- 進入店鋪
柯淇環境技術(寧波)有限公司,是一家全球專業從事水環境技術研發與服務的企業。榮獲美國水質協會(WQA)榮譽會員稱號,并與美國國家衛生基金會(NSF)、DOW CHEMICAL、GE、CLACK等建立了長期的戰略合作關系。在全球水環境處理研究與設備制造方面享有極高的聲譽和權威性。1998年,柯淇(KOCHIN)進入中國市場。
Kochin Environmental Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd is a global professional enterprises which engaged in water environmental technology R & D and service , was awarded the title of honorary member of the American Water Association (WQA), and the National Health Fund will (NSF), Dow Chemical, General Electric (GE), CLACK etc. established long-term strategic cooperative relations, in the global water environment treatment research and equipment manufacturing enjoys a high reputation and authority. In 1998, Kochin enter Chinese market.
Kochin Environmental Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd, as a sub company of American KOCHIN a wholly owned investment, since its inception, the company introduced the international most advanced water environment treatment technology and performance of the equipment manufacturing technology, professional R & D, manufacturing and sales all kinds of household, commercial water processing equipment and complete sets of engineering equipment, product coverage in China and throughout the world, has become one of China’s leading water treatment equipment manufacturers and service providers. The company strictly follows the American Water Quality Association WQA and the National Health Foundation NSF standards, is committed to improving the human water environment.
歡迎來到柯淇環境技術(寧波)有限公司網站, 具體地址是浙江省寧波慈溪市公司街道地址,聯系人是。
公司宗旨:創造美好生活;公司定位:專業制造,家電精品;公司口號:用心制造,全心服務;公司目標:創國際品牌;公司精神:創新誠信,務實團結!我司主要生產sKeys等小家電系列產品。 本公司創辦以來,本著“服務至上,守信經營,質量先行,開拓創新”的原則,以人為本的理念,努力進取,目前已與眾多小家電經銷商及禮品公司建立了友好合作關系。 公司產品款式新穎,精美別致,質量可靠,價格實惠,吸引了越來越多的新客戶的加盟。選擇我們,是伴你走向成功的最佳選擇。歡迎全國各地區家電經銷商、禮品公司來電來函索取最新資料,洽談合作事宜!