- 所屬行業:冶金 有色金屬制品 鈦合金
- 供應廠家:沈陽中核艦航特材科技有限公司
- 公司地址:遼寧省沈陽鐵西區沈陽市經濟技術開發區渾河十街8-1號
- 公司網址:http://m.holaike.cn/gs-4131127.html
- 主營產品:醫療鈦材,工業鈦材,鈦絲,鈦管,鈦棒,鈦板
13390154688 / 024-31035765
- 進入店鋪
Located at Shenyang Economic & Technical Development Zone ,Shenyang ZHJH Special Metal Materials Co., Ltd(hereinafter:Zhonghe Special Material) which established a strategic cooperation relationship with IMR-Chinese Academy of Sciences ,is a professional enterprise that specialized in R&D, manufacturing, marketing and after service for medical titanium materialsanwhile ,it is the only sales agent designated by IMR-Chinese Academy of Sciences.
ZHJH Special Metal &IMR have achieved many technical breakthroughs in medical Ti-alloy fields. Now,we have branches and offices in northwest ,southern and east of china, and sales network of products are spread all over china. Meantime,we have built up a stable oversea customer base.
ZHJH Special Metal devote ourselves to offering superior quality and service to domestic and oversea customers.
Now studious do well to achieve common future!!!
歡迎來到沈陽中核艦航特材科技有限公司網站, 具體地址是遼寧省沈陽鐵西區公司街道地址,聯系人是。
我們公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。公司主營產品:sKeys,品質至上是對產品質量的不懈追求,每批次制造成品前檢驗、生產過程包裝質量檢驗、庫檢、發貨前檢驗確保產品出廠合格率百分百。公司吸納了全國各地的行業精英,組建了一支年輕有為的生產、科研、采購、管理和銷售 隊伍使產品煥然一新,銷售收入成倍增長。我們遵循“合作、和諧、發展、雙贏”的原則,與全國供應商建立了深厚的友誼和良好的合作關系,在風云變幻的市場經濟大潮中共 謀發展;我們堅持“誠信、品牌、服務、創新”的經營 理念,共鑄品牌塑造和諧營銷,建立雙贏的戰略合作伙伴關系。