- 所屬行業:水果 生鮮水果 梨
- 供應廠家:龐龍果品有限公司
- 公司地址:河北省滄州泊頭市泊頭
- 公司網址:http://pangjing.cg160.cn
- 主營產品:梨
/ 317-7947726
- 進入店鋪
Dear Sirs
We are very glad to write to you to introduce ourselves. We have the information about your company from the web. Our company was established in 1990 and has the direct export qualification and it is located in north of China where is the main products area. ”GUANGLONG” Crystal Ya PEARS are our mainly products. The pears’ quality is very excellent 90% natural. The products accord with the exporting quality as the state prescribed. “GUANGLONG” BRAND fruits are honored as the state prescribed.” GUANGLONG” BRAND fruits are honored as the nameplate products by The Foreign Trade Administration. The fruit ‘face is clear, its’ colour is bright, the sugary quality is high and its taste is sterling. The quality of BO TOU YA PEARS is different from that of other areas.
Our company is mainly exporting GUANGLONG BRAND YA PEARS. They are adopting paper cartons for packing such as 18kg,10kg,9kg,5kg,4.5kg ect. The specs is as bellow:
Specifications:72# 80# 96# 112#
N.T/PC:245-255g 220-230g 185-195g 155-165g
Our fruits are exported to Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia ect. We have established the steadily long-term friendly business relations with more the 20 countries and districts. Our company is not only exporting GUANGLONG BRAND YA PEARS, we also export other brand pears.
If you are interested in the products above, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to your early reply and thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
MS Cathy Pang
BoTou PangLong Fruit Products Responsibility Co.,Ltd
歡迎來到龐龍果品有限公司網站, 具體地址是河北省滄州泊頭市公司街道地址,聯系人是龐靜。
單位注冊資金單位注冊資金人民幣 100 萬元 - 200 萬元。
我們公司主營sKeys等,我處貨源充足,本著以質量求生存,以誠信立本的原則,與全國各地客商皆有來往,且享有良好口碑。竭誠歡迎各地客商朋友前來考察選購! 提供收購、包裝、人力、裝車、動輸、食宿等一條龍服務。相信與我們的合作將愉快,務實,高效,誠信。