.帝密斯智能科技///熱水爐批發 帝密斯(美國)智能科技有限公司,進入采暖熱水爐生產領域。帝密斯憑著優異的品質、完善的服務,贏得了眾多消費者的青睞。 完善的配套體系,強大的制造業基礎奠定了帝密斯從供應管理到生產制造扎實的基本功。帝密斯是集研發制造和營銷于一體的綜合性企業,專注于燃氣供暖熱水領域。燃氣壁掛爐和商用熱水系統是帝密斯全力打造的系列產品。經過在此專業領域的多年辛勤耕耘帝密斯已經形成了以產品質量穩定性和技術開發連貫性為代表的**優勢。 帝密斯以致力改善環境,節約能源,營造綠色企業為宗旨。 DIMISI is committed to improving environment, saving energy and building green enterprises. 帝密斯人以“開拓創新,用心做事,竭誠服務”為基點,全面貫徹執行IS09001-2000質量體系標準,為企業質量管理體系打下了良好基礎。 DIMSI as the base point of "pioneering and innovating, doing things with heart and wholeheartedly", carried out the standard of ISO9001-2000 quality system in an all-round way and laid a good foundation for the quality management system of enterprises. 帝密斯擁有**的生產、檢測設備及專業生產線,擁有經驗豐富的工程師隊伍,帝密斯人員群策群力,精益求精,勇于創新,在激烈的市場競爭中保持了高速發展,贏得了消費者的信賴。 With the advanced production, testing equipment and professional production line, DIMSI has an experienced team of engineers. DIMISI is working hard, strives for excellence and innovation. It has maintained high speed development in the fierce market competition and won the trust of consumers.