.星磊企業管理服務///業務流程外包BPO企業 上海星磊企業管理服務有限公司(SYNRI)致力于為企業提供*的定制化管理服務與咨詢服務。 Shanghai Synri Enterprise Management Services Co., Ltd. is committed to providing a full range of customized management services and consulting services. SYNRI致力于成為一家世界*的企業管理服務和咨詢服務企業,公司通過打造“信息平臺整合聯動”為客戶提供從組織、流程、制度,到分模塊的戰略(如人力資源、行政后勤、生產、品質、營銷、財務、物流、技術等)、融資改制、上市項目管理等系統進行管理診斷,提出解決方案并落實;切實幫助企業與公共事業單位實現轉型升級與**落地。 SYNRI is committed to becoming a world-class enterprise management services and consulting services company. By providing “information platform integration linkage”, the company provides the management and diagnosis for customers with strategies from organization, process, institution, and sub-module (such as human resources, administrative service, production, quality, marketing, finance, logistics, technology, etc.,) ,financing restructuring, listing project management,propose solutions and implementation; and will definitely help enterprises and public institutions to achieve the transformation and upgrading of the landing value.