山東浩桐工藝品有限公司簡介 Shandong Hao Tong Arts & Crafts Ltd. 本公司始創于2006年,前身為淄博浩桐裝飾畫廠,后因業務發展遷至山東省濟南市,注資500萬并正式更名為‘山東浩桐工藝品有限公司’。公司專注裝飾畫業十多年,除國內市場外,產品亦遠銷東南亞與歐美等多個國際市場。 "浩桐”牌裝飾畫是國家注冊商標,無框畫業界品牌,集設計、生產、制作、銷售于一體,承攬批發、零售業務。公司產品包括無框畫.有框畫.水晶畫.冰晶畫.發光畫.三維畫.烤瓷畫.裝飾畫藝術鐘表與工藝品等上百個品種,亦可根據客戶需求進行個性照片定制。年生產各類裝飾畫20多萬幅。產品設計理念超前,工藝精湛。 我公司一直以來秉承--誠信,專業,高效,共贏的經營理念,在生產規模,產品創新和品牌建設上都取得了較大發展,期望在將來繼續為中國裝飾畫行業的創新和發展做出貢獻! The company was founded in 2006, formerly known as Zibo Hao Tong Decorative Painting Factory.Due to business development ,it moved to Jinan City, Shandong Province, injects ¥5 000000 and officially changed its name to 'Shandong Hao Tong, Ltd.’The company has focused on decorative painting industry for nearly ten years, beyond the domestic markets, it’s products are also exported to many international markets in Southeast Asia and Europe and America. "Hao Tong" is a national registered trademark and a leading brand of decorative painting.The company sets design, production, sales in one,undertakes wholesale and retail business.The company produces hundreds of products,such as ..